15.07 mt
Barche a Vela
10 Posti letto
4 Cabine
4 WC
Lifering with Line, Anchor with Chain, Water heater, French & Corsican Flags, Emergency tiller, Bowthruster, Sprayhood, Refrigerator, Handheld compass, Electrical Windlass, First Aid Kit, Nautical charts for Sardinia & Corsica, Pilot Book (IT/EN/DE/FR), Gas stove with Oven, Cockpit Shower, Life Harnesses, Bimini, Lifejackets, Torch, Radio + CD player, Liferaft, Pillows & Blankets, Barometer & Clock, Binoculars, Book of Lights and Signals, Compass, Dividers, Triangle, pencils, Notebook, 12v portable Light, 1 Mask & snorkel, Additional Ropes, Boat Hook, Bucket, cleaning Brush, Sponge, Electrical Winch, Gangway, Pegs & washbasin, Second Anchor, Water Hose & Adaptors, Black Cone & Ball, Emergency Flares, Sound signal, Tool kit, Log/Speedo, Navtex, Cockpit Speakers, Hot Water System, Dinghy Inflatable, Cooker with oven, Navigation kit, Fire extinguisher, Steering Wheel (SW)/Tiller (T), Echo Sounder, Speedometer, Wind Speed Indicator/Network Wind, Batten Mainsail with lazy-bag, Steering wheel, Genoa Furling
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